Saturday, April 15, 2017

😊 Conclusion


The purpose of this blog was to give my points of view about some short stories, poems, plays and films. As a conclusion, I will say that these literary critics project was so useful for me and left me a lot of teaching; I could learn many things and of course, made me see that there are other ways to see the life, through readings. Is very interesting how stories and poems hide feelings and emotions. How the authors express themselves in the characters through writing, and how those stories and poems make the readers to feel. Moreover, when readers get inside the stories, sometimes are touched by the characters’ life, or identifies themselves with.

I also want to say that this "Blog Project" made me see how important is to read, how we can improve our writing, and our vocabulary. We learn so much! Thanks to my teacher Danielle, because the idea of this "Blog Project" was hers. I had never created a blog and I really liked it! I think that one day I could create another new. Well, I say bye and I hope that my literary critics have helped someone. If not, at least it helped a lot to myself. It was a pleasure to share with you my ideas and feelings about the poems, stories, plays and films. 

See you guys! 


πŸ’ƒ Structuralist Criticism - "A Doll's House"

A Doll’s house.

This play, written by Henrik Ibsen shows us how women’s life have change. During many years ago, women were tied hands. They couldn’t have free expression and neither take time for them. I talk about “they” because in this time women were different. Now, we have free expression, we decide what we want for our life, men do not handle us as they want, and there are many others things that women are allowed to do. Nevertheless, let’s start since the play "A Doll’s House". Nora was always worried about her children and husband, and much more when she knew her husband was sick. She decided to take care of him in another better place for his health improvement, compromising her status as a wife and her reputation to society. However, at the end, Torvald was very ungrateful with her. Well, I agree that Nora did badly in the sense of lying to him, and do not tell him the truth where the money came from, and taking the risk to do something that in that time was not permitted to women. In the play, Henrik writes how women were since past times. Nora represents all those women that were at home, taking care their family, without social life, being submissive, more than the normal. Nowadays, the situation for women has change, now the opportunities of the women and men are equal.

In addition, all women want to be happy and do what make them feel better. Nora is not an exception to want her happiness. At the end, she took the most difficult decision of her life and decided to leave her husband and her children. She go alone. Where? Well, in the play does not say, but the important thing is, that she took the decision to went, she could’t endure the mistreatment and the oppression that she felt inside the house.

In that time if a woman leave her house and family, it was seen badly by the society. That action was not common, but Nora shows us how women can take their own decisions and sometimes this happens because there is not another way to take.

Now, let me your comments please.

1. Do you think nowadays women are controlled as Nora?

2. If you were a woman, what would you do in the final of the story? Would you leave home as Nora? Would you stay at home with the family? 

3. Now, put yourself in the Torvald's place. What would you do in his position? Would you get angry with Nora? Why?

Click the next link to get more information about "A Doll's House".


🍬 Structuralist Criticism - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

This story written in 1964 by the British author Roald Dahl, let us a touching learning that we are going to mention through the analysis. Firstly, talking about the factory and Willy Wonka. Everything starts, when Willy Wonka was a child, he could not eat chocolates and candies, his father was a dentist, for that reason the candies were taken away from him. That caused of the Willy Wonka’s frustration. So, he decided to go and realize his dream building the Greatest Chocolate factory he had dreamed. The factory became very famous and Willy became very rich. The work there was perfect, and well done, and little people called Oompa-Loompas run it. 

Willy Wonka has suddenly decided to open the doors of his factory, to five children and their parents after 10 years of keeping it sealed because his rivals were stealing his recipes. In order to choose who will enter the factory and receive a lifetime supply of chocolate, Mr. Wonka hides five golden tickets in the wrappers of his Wonka chocolate bars. Finally, Charlie, who at the beginning of the story was a poor child who lived with his family; four grandparents and his two parents in a small house. His biggest dream was to win one of the five Golden Tickets that Willy Wonk’s Factory offered, inside the Willy Wonka Chocolate bar, but the unique opportunity, that supposedly Charlie had to have one chocolate and get the Golden Ticket, was in his birthday. Sadly, for Charlie and his family, his chocolate bar did not contain the Golden Ticket. Then, he found some money in the road and could buy another chocolate bar, and there was how Charlie got the last Golden Ticket from the five ones. Charlie had Chosen by Willy Wonka, because he was the unique who does not caused troubles in the factory. 

However, there is something more, Wonka wanted that Charlie went to live alone to the factory, but Charlie preferred to stay with his family in the poverty than have the entire factory and much money without them. In this part of the story, Wonka has a flashback, he felt so bad about it and he remembered his father, and there was when Wonka started to seek his father and visited him.

In addition, in the story we can find the use of the diction as an amazing and exited expression for something to comes, for example; “oh, how he loved that smell!”, the chocolate factory sounds like an spectacular place. The only time those exclamation points disappear are when mention the poverty and the hunger of Charlie and his family. However, at the final, the author change that sadness for a happy conclusion.


1. Do you think that Willy Wonka was fair with every child?

2. If you were Willy Wonka. What would you do in the face of the children behavior?

Also here you can find more information about this amazing story.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

πŸ’ƒ Psychoanalytical Criticism - Where are you going, where have you been?

Where are you going, where have you been?

This short story hides some interesting reactions. In addition, there are some points to take as psychoanalytical criticism. Connie; she is a fifteen years old girl, who is interest only in her physical appearance and in men. Firstly, the aggressive phase is presented, no as physical violence, but we can notice how Connie treat her mother and her sister. She does not care about them, and she even wants to see them dead. Adolescents are so difficult to carry out, and we can see many situation in daily life same as Connie in this story, sons do not respect their family neither their parents because they think only in them. Of course, there are adolescents that are not like Connie, but all of them are known as difficult people. Then, another aggressive phase is when Arnold friend appears in Connie’s house trying to tangle and confuse her, to the point that he threats her for having her inside the car. In one part, he get mad and talks to her in a bad way.

Also, as a denial, here it’s find a young girl who does not want to accept that she has problems with men, and with her personality. She does not accept that being an “easy girl” will not make her feel good, because being as she is, any men is not going to take her seriously.
In the psychic zone, the id takes place specifically with Connie, she is selfish and amoral, always thinking about her, and how society is going to see her physically, not morally. She does not care even her family, only to seek her pleasure.

Now, my point of view of this short story is, that woman has to take care her physical appearance, yes, it is important, but is less important that take care the reputation, nowadays women are instruments to sell whatever, thing that is completely wrong, because we as women need respect from other people and respect from ourselves. I think, that in Connie’s family were difficult mostly in part from the mother to accept how is Connie, but in the other hand the family ignore how she was, because they did not make anything to help Connie, she did not have limits, she always did whatever she wanted. Putting me in her place, I would not have accepted to meet Arnold friend, neither getting inside his car; maybe I would call the police, but getting inside his car, never. Of course, it is not the same to talk than to live the situation, but there is always an outlet for every bad situation.

Tell me your point of view.

1. Do you think that Connie's situation with arnold friend have another outlet?

2. What could be a recommendation for adolescents like Connie?

Thanks to visit my page.

Here you can find informtion about the story.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

🐎 Formalist Criticism - The Rocking Horse Winner.

The Rocking Horse Winner.

In the rocking horse winner, the year when all takes place is not specified, but some references from World War I and actual racing horses of the time tells that the story takes place in 1920s in England. The story takes place in a spooky house in which there lived Hester with her husband and children, in a nice neighborhood.

In the story, there are some difficult situations, in which the ambitious is the main problem, ambitious since the parents to the children. In this short story written by D.H Lawrence we are going to analyze how the characters are and how the story goes, through the setting, the point of view and fictional world the characters live.

We starts with the main character; Paul, he is as small boy, the enough to have a rocking horse in Christmas, but as young as to worry about financial situations. For me, the emotionalism that Paul suffers caused by his mother’s ambition is extremely inadmissible. Children do not have to worry about home’s financial situations; parents have to. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that children ask about money but they do not need and do not have to carry these stuffs. For the mother’s ambition, Paul suffers a lot, he wants to give a lucky life to his mother gaining money, as she told him, case in which bill him the bill, and in the final he dies. Another character is the mother, Hester, she was an extremely ambitious woman who always was looking how to get more and more money to satisfy her luxury’s necessities, but she did not have much lucky. Analyzing, there are many women like hers, but no only women, also men, whose are not satisfied and want more and more, without take care about the people who are following their steps. Also the uncle Oscar, even he was not a bad figure for Paul, he did not do anything to stop Paul to gambling, maybe he wanted to help Paul to increase the luxuries, gaining money gambling, but that was not the best way, less if Paul was a child. Then, Bassett the gardener; he helped Paul saving Paul’s money product of the gambling. He thinks Paul’s talent for picking winning racehorses is a gift from heaven. Finally, the father; well! The story does not say much about him, he only appears a few times, his name does not even appear in the story. Well, maybe for that reason, Hester wanted to have more money, to satisfy her children’s necessities because the only thing that is known in the story about the father is that he did not have much lucky making money.

To finish, the family lived in a fictional world. Why? Well, they did not live in poverty, they lived in a good way, but Hester, including her family wanted more luxuries, but much more Hester. The house was infiltrated with the shadow, material values of society. Therefore, they wanted to live a fancy life, that they could not, just for ambitious.

This situation and troubles let us to learn about not be so ambitious about life’s things, the material things are less important than the family, and we as mothers and fathers have to teach our family that there is one life and we have to live it healthy. The stress, the problems, the daily eagerness make us to worry about thing that sometimes are not necessary and unhealthy.

Now, let me your comments:

1. Do you think is fair that children suffer for parents actions?

2. What do you will recommend to Hester about her ambition?

And here you can find important information about the story.


πŸ‘» Mythological Criticism - Beowulf


This is a personal thinking about Beowulf. It is a poem in which the author is unknown, neither the time that was written, but studies say that the time is around the VIII to XII A.D. This poem has some mythology that is affiliated with anthropology. We can notice some hard situations for the characters in which they face many conflicts, in where Grentel caused the first. Grendel is a Demon and appears since the beginning and almost to the middle of the poem, and his mother, another demon who wants to take revenge about Grendel’s dead. Now, comparing the situations and the conflicts that characters face in the mystic poem, let say, every day in the poem, is not the same as the actual life, but nowadays people from XXI century have many conflicts such as, violence, in every sense of the word. Revenge; people in this time do whatever they want and if they do not get what they want, they take revenge, and, compared with the poem, people takes revenge even for their family, the unique difference is that in Beowulf the Demon is who takes revenge. However, it is not so far in this time, because even there are many people who do not believe in spirits, they exist.

Another important point to consider, are the images that we can find in Beowulf, such as “Water” that represents in this case the birth; Grendel´s birth and then the dragon’s birth, who supposedly and according to the film, is Beowulf’s son joined with the mother of Grendel. In addition, Grendel’s mother seduced Beowulf and other characters through appearing and coming from the water. Then, life cycle: Grendel was RΓ³dgar’s son, his sin was to take Grendel’s mother as his woman, product of their sin Grendel born, after that, Beowulf pass the same cycle, getting the Grendel’s mother, the result was the Dragon’s birth who was a man, but he transformed as a Dragon to fight with his father “Beowulf.

In real life, we do not see this kind of situations, only, there are many demons, that we cannot see, but we have to fight with.

A second image to consider is the color read; it refers to violence and sacrifice, where Beowulf fights with Grendel and when Grendel attacks the Danish warriors in Heorot.

Finally, I really like the poem, there are some horror parts but is is interesting how the imagination create this kind of writings.


1. Do you like the poem or the film?

2. How do you compare the poem with the real life nowadays?

Here you can find more imformation about "Beowulf"
