Sunday, February 19, 2017

πŸ“– Sociological Criticism: "Brave New World".

Brave New World. 

Brave New World is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley, and published in 1932. In the novel there are some society groups, races, and cultures. First, the Director of the center, whose name is “The Director” (High authority). He is helped by Lenina Crowne and Henry Foster, both workers from Central London Hatching and Conditioning Centre, and other people. Appears MustafΓ‘, Bernard Marx (an Alpha-Plus psychologist who, for some reason or another, doesn’t have the great physical characteristic of most Alphas). Helmholtz Watson, another Alpha-Plus man who shares Bernard's dissatisfaction with their controlled and structured lives, finally, for the system to work better, humans are divided into several castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons. Alfas citizens are intelligent, tall and muscular; Epsilons are low, dumb and ugly.

There are some sociological problems in which are involve many people. Example: Marxism, is represented in Brave New world, in which the totalitarianism and power make the world spins the way it is. Liberalism, is one of the most highlighted problems in the book, "Everyone belongs to the whole world," which means that when a man wants to go to bed with a woman he asks publicly and she says yes, even, young children play erotic games with each other, and orgies are mandatory biweekly events. The entire society raised with that culture, being liberals. But it is a small group disagreed with everything that happens in the place, but no one cares about it. Religion, God has been replaced by "Ford", (Ford of Henry Ford, the man who created the assembly line and mass production). Finally, for the oppression, psychologic problems, or for escaping reality, they choose to consume a dose of “Soma” (drug).

Let me your comments:

  • What do you think about If in the real world people become equal or has a washed mind?

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