"Thank you, M'am"
Hughes Langston is the author of "Thank you, M'am" short story.Talking a little bit about his life, he was African American writer, known for the use of jazz and black folk rhythms in his poetry. He was born in Joplin, Missouri in 1902 and died in 1967. He went to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. Also, he studied at Columbia University before serving on a ship to Africa. It is very important to add that Hughes wrote in many genres, but, he is best known in poetry where he is in favor of musical rythms and traditions of black culture. Hughes was prominent figure during the Harlem Reinassance. Also, he served as a Madrid correspondant for Baltimore, Maryland, newspaper during the spanish civil war (1936-1939). In the 1940s, Hughes wrote a newspaper column, first for Chicago defender and later for the New York Post, in where he expressed the thoughts of young black Americans. Finally, Hughes wrote more than 50 books.
Hughes shows some of his experiences in "Thank you, M'am" short story. As he was interested in black people, and it is showed in this short story, because Hughes was a African American. First, we can notice that the characters of the story: Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones and Roger were black people, so maybe Roger was taken and was reflected on Hughes's origen. Many Africans have lived in devastated conditions, poverty, hunger, lack of education and living without their families, there is so much poverty that many children have to see how to survive. In this case, Hughes caught this situation in the Roger´s role. We do not know if the author lived in any moment some difficult situation but he was care about other people like him, that suffers difficulties.
Now, tell me.
1. What do you think about "Thank You, M'am" short story?
2. What is the main idea in the short story "Thank You, M'am"
3. What do we learn about the story "Thank You, M'am"?
Here you can find some information related to "Thank You, M'am" by Langston.
Very good! I really love the story. I think the boy really learned a valuable lesson. We should always listen to our elders. They are a huge source of information and wisdom.